Dogs In Rome

Inspiration for
‘Dogs In Rome’ Series


Dogs were everywhere in Rome and just had to be sketched. Peeing on ancient monuments, waiting patiently for their owners in the shade of beautiful stone archways, or hoping for a pat.

I was in Rome for two months to look at Annunciation paintings for part of my Masters Degree, (which I did do), but the dogs were charming and abundant and just wanted to be drawn. Sitting having a panini next to the Pantheon, a noble looking golden retriever posed elegantly.



Short yappy things scampered by stopping briefly to sniff the ground. Older dogs were reluctantly dragged across Piazza Navona past Bernini’s magnificent baroque Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, and others were tied to intricately carved columns.

After a visit to the Vatican we stopped at a café in viccolo del Farinole where two very tired but regal looking grey dachshunds waited patiently for their owners, just begging to be added to the sketchbook.