Sketchbook Paintings: Brooklyn Art Library in New York
My artist sketchbook "King of the Hill" is now available to look at and view online at the Brooklyn Art Library in New York.
Excerpt from the book:
when I was in New York I overheard two young men talking and one said "I want to be King of the Hill". this made me think about what society values now and so many of our leaders just want to be King of the Hill, the one on top, and at any cost, they don't mind standing on, abusing and using anything to get there. I've often used the dolls and toys in my images symbolically. here they represent the poor, animal cruelty, religion, even family.
The Sketchbook Project Instructions
Cover of sketchbook
Sketchbook is a work in progress, a lead up to two completed paintings, one of which has been sold as a print. You can read and view more about 'King Of The Hill’ in my current works page.